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add(double[][]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Adds the given matrixB passed in as a two-dimentional array of doubles to this matrix and returns the sum.
add(double[][]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Adds the given matrixB passed in as a two-dimentional array of doubles to this matrix and returns the sum.
add(double[][]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.Matrix
Adds the given matrixB passed in as a two-dimentional array of doubles to this matrix and returns the sum.
add(double[][]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Adds the given matrixB passed in as a two-dimentional array of doubles to this matrix and returns the sum.
add(Matrix) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Adds the given matrixB to this matrix and returns the sum.
add(Matrix) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Adds the given matrixB to this matrix and returns the sum.
add(Matrix) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.Matrix
Adds the given matrixB to this matrix and returns the sum.
add(Matrix) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Adds the given matrixB to this matrix and returns the sum.
add(Number[][]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Adds the given matrixB passed in as a two-dimentional array of Number to this matrix and returns the sum.
add(Number[][]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Adds the given matrixB passed in as a two-dimentional array of Number to this matrix and returns the sum.
add(Number[][]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.Matrix
Adds the given matrixB passed in as a two-dimentional array of Number to this matrix and returns the sum.
add(Number[][]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Adds the given matrixB passed in as a two-dimentional array of Number to this matrix and returns the sum.


BigDecimalMatrix - Class in com.mvohm.quadmatrix
An implementation of the abstract class Matrix that uses an array of BigDecimal values to store the internal data and arithmetic provided by BigDecimal to perform calculations.
BigDecimalMatrix(double[][]) - Constructor for class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Creates a new BigDecimalMatrix whose inner data are obtained by converting the values of the given source array into corresponding BigDecimal values by BigDecimal.valueOf(double) method, and the default values of the needToScale flag and precision field.
BigDecimalMatrix(double[][], boolean) - Constructor for class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Creates a new BigDecimalMatrix whose inner data are obtained by converting the values of the given source array into corresponding BigDecimal values by BigDecimal.valueOf(double) method, the specified value of the needToScale flag, and the default precision set for the class.
BigDecimalMatrix(double[][], boolean, int) - Constructor for class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Creates a new BigDecimalMatrix whose inner data are obtained by converting the values of the given source array into corresponding BigDecimal values by BigDecimal.valueOf(double) method, and the specified values of the needToScale flag and precision field.
BigDecimalMatrix(double[][], int) - Constructor for class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Creates a new BigDecimalMatrix whose inner data are obtained by converting the values of the given source array into corresponding BigDecimal values by BigDecimal.valueOf(double) method, the default value of the needToScale flag and the specified precision.
BigDecimalMatrix(Matrix) - Constructor for class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Creates a new BigDecimalMatrix with a copy of the data of the given source matrix and the default values of the needToScale flag and precision field.
BigDecimalMatrix(Matrix, boolean) - Constructor for class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Creates a new BigDecimalMatrix with a copy of the data of the given source matrix, the specified value of the needToScale flag, and the default precision set for the class.
BigDecimalMatrix(Matrix, boolean, int) - Constructor for class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Creates a new BigDecimalMatrix with a copy of the data of the given source matrix and the specified values of the needToScale flag and precision field.
BigDecimalMatrix(Matrix, int) - Constructor for class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Creates a new BigDecimalMatrix with a copy of the data of the given source matrix, the default value of the needToScale flag, and the specified precision.
BigDecimalMatrix(Number[][]) - Constructor for class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Creates a new BigDecimalMatrix with a copy of the data of the given source array and the specified value of the needToScale flag.
BigDecimalMatrix(Number[][], boolean) - Constructor for class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Creates a new BigDecimalMatrix with a copy of the data of the given source array, the specified value of the needToScale flag, and the default precision set for the class.
BigDecimalMatrix(Number[][], boolean, int) - Constructor for class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Creates a new BigDecimalMatrix with a copy of the data of the given source array, and the specified values of the needToScale flag and precision field.
BigDecimalMatrix(Number[][], int) - Constructor for class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Creates a new BigDecimalMatrix with a copy of the data of the given source array, the default value of the needToScale flag and the specified precision.


com.mvohm.quadmatrix - package com.mvohm.quadmatrix
A simple library for matrix calculations on square matrices of real numbers, with different levels of precision.
cond() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Computes the condition number of the matrix, ║A║•║A-1║, and returns its value as a double value.
cond() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Computes the condition number of the matrix, ║A║•║A-1║, and returns its value as a double value.
cond() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.Matrix
Computes the condition number of the matrix, ║A║•║A-1║, and returns its value as a double value.
cond() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Computes the condition number of the matrix, ║A║•║A-1║, and returns its value as a double value.


determinant() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Computes the determinant of the matrix and returns its value as a Number value.
determinant() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Computes the determinant of the matrix and returns its value as a Number value.
determinant() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.Matrix
Computes the determinant of the matrix and returns its value as a Number value.
determinant() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Computes the determinant of the matrix and returns its value as a Number value.
determinantAsBigDecimal() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Computes the determinant of the matrix and returns its value as a BigDecimal value.
determinantAsBigDecimal() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Computes the determinant of the matrix and returns its value as a BigDecimal value.
determinantAsBigDecimal() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.Matrix
Computes the determinant of the matrix and returns its value as a BigDecimal value.
determinantAsBigDecimal() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Computes the determinant of the matrix and returns its value as a BigDecimal value.
determinantAsDouble() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Computes the determinant of the matrix and returns its value as a double value.
determinantAsDouble() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Computes the determinant of the matrix and returns its value as a double value.
determinantAsDouble() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.Matrix
Computes the determinant of the matrix and returns its value as a double value.
determinantAsDouble() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Computes the determinant of the matrix and returns its value as a double value.
determinantAsQuadruple() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Computes the determinant of the matrix and returns its value as a Quadruple value.
determinantAsQuadruple() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Computes the determinant of the matrix and returns its value as a Quadruple value.
determinantAsQuadruple() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.Matrix
Computes the determinant of the matrix and returns its value as a Quadruple value.
determinantAsQuadruple() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Computes the determinant of the matrix and returns its value as a Quadruple value.
DoubleMatrix - Class in com.mvohm.quadmatrix
An implementation of the abstract class Matrix that uses an array of primitive double values to store the matrix elements and standard double arithmetic to perform calculations.
DoubleMatrix(double[][]) - Constructor for class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Creates a new DoubleMatrix with a copy of the data of the given source array and the default value of the needToScale flag.
DoubleMatrix(double[][], boolean) - Constructor for class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Creates a new DoubleMatrix with a copy of the data of the given source array and the value of the needToScale flag that is passed in as the needToScale argument.
DoubleMatrix(Matrix) - Constructor for class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Creates a new DoubleMatrix with a copy of the data of the given source matrix and the default value of the needToScale flag.
DoubleMatrix(Matrix, boolean) - Constructor for class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Creates a new DoubleMatrix with a copy of the data of the given source matrix and the value of the needToScale flag that is passed in as the needToScale argument.
DoubleMatrix(Number[][]) - Constructor for class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Creates a new DoubleMatrix with a copy of the data of the given source array and the default value of the needToScale flag.
DoubleMatrix(Number[][], boolean) - Constructor for class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Creates a new DoubleMatrix with a copy of the data of the given source array and the value of the needToScale flag that is passed in as the needToScale argument.


equals(Object) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Indicates whether the other Matrix is equal to this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Indicates whether the other Matrix is equal to this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.Matrix
Indicates whether the other Matrix is equal to this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Indicates whether the other Matrix is equal to this one.


getBigDecimalData() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Returns a two-dimentional array of BigDecimal instances containing the values of the corresponding matrix elements.
getBigDecimalData() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Returns a two-dimentional array of BigDecimal instances containing the values of the corresponding matrix elements.
getBigDecimalData() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.Matrix
Returns a two-dimentional array of BigDecimal instances containing the values of the corresponding matrix elements.
getBigDecimalData() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Returns a two-dimentional array of BigDecimal instances containing the values of the corresponding matrix elements.
getBigDecimalMatrixSolution() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Returns the last of the previously found matrix solutions, X, to a matrix equation of form AX = B, as a two-dimentional array of BigDecimals.
getBigDecimalMatrixSolution() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Returns the last of the previously found matrix solutions, X, to a matrix equation of form AX = B, as a two-dimentional array of BigDecimals.
getBigDecimalMatrixSolution() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.Matrix
Returns the last of the previously found matrix solutions, X, to a matrix equation of form AX = B, as a two-dimentional array of BigDecimals.
getBigDecimalMatrixSolution() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Returns the last of the previously found matrix solutions, X, to a matrix equation of form AX = B, as a two-dimentional array of BigDecimals.
getBigDecimalSolution() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Returns the last of the previously found vector solutions, x, to a system of linear equations of form Ax = b, as an array of BigDecimals.
getBigDecimalSolution() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Returns the last of the previously found vector solutions, x, to a system of linear equations of form Ax = b, as an array of BigDecimals.
getBigDecimalSolution() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.Matrix
Returns the last of the previously found vector solutions, x, to a system of linear equations of form Ax = b, as an array of BigDecimals.
getBigDecimalSolution() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Returns the last of the previously found vector solutions, x, to a system of linear equations of form Ax = b, as an array of BigDecimals.
getData() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Returns a two-dimentional array of Number containing the values of the corresponding matrix elements.
getData() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Returns a two-dimentional array of Number containing the values of the corresponding matrix elements.
getData() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.Matrix
Returns a two-dimentional array of Number containing the values of the corresponding matrix elements.
getData() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Returns a two-dimentional array of Number containing the values of the corresponding matrix elements.
getDefaultPrecision() - Static method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Returns the current value of the precision used by default when creating new instances with constructors that don't have precision parameter.
getDefaultScaling() - Static method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Returns the value of the static #scaleByDefault flag that is used to set corresponding instance flags when creating a new instances by constructors without needToScale parameter.
getDefaultScaling() - Static method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Returns the value of the static #scaleByDefault flag that is used to set corresponding instance flags when creating a new instances by constructors without needToScale parameter.
getDefaultScaling() - Static method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Returns the value of the static #scaleByDefault flag that is used to set corresponding instance flags when creating a new instances by constructors without needToScale parameter.
getDoubleData() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Returns a two-dimentional array of primitive double values containing the values of the corresponding matrix elements, perhaps rounded.
getDoubleData() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Returns a two-dimentional array of primitive double values containing the values of the corresponding matrix elements, perhaps rounded.
getDoubleData() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.Matrix
Returns a two-dimentional array of primitive double values containing the values of the corresponding matrix elements, perhaps rounded.
getDoubleData() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Returns a two-dimentional array of primitive double values containing the values of the corresponding matrix elements, perhaps rounded.
getDoubleMatrixSolution() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Returns the last of the previously found matrix solutions, X, to a matrix equation of form AX = B, as a two-dimentional array of primitive doubles.
getDoubleMatrixSolution() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Returns the last of the previously found matrix solutions, X, to a matrix equation of form AX = B, as a two-dimentional array of primitive doubles.
getDoubleMatrixSolution() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.Matrix
Returns the last of the previously found matrix solutions, X, to a matrix equation of form AX = B, as a two-dimentional array of primitive doubles.
getDoubleMatrixSolution() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Returns the last of the previously found matrix solutions, X, to a matrix equation of form AX = B, as a two-dimentional array of primitive doubles.
getDoubleSolution() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Returns a copy of the last previously found vector solutions, x, to a system of linear equations of form Ax = b, as an array of doubles.
getDoubleSolution() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Returns a copy of the last previously found vector solutions, x, to a system of linear equations of form Ax = b, as an array of doubles.
getDoubleSolution() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.Matrix
Returns a copy of the last previously found vector solutions, x, to a system of linear equations of form Ax = b, as an array of doubles.
getDoubleSolution() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Returns a copy of the last previously found vector solutions, x, to a system of linear equations of form Ax = b, as an array of doubles.
getErrorCode() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Returns a string designation of the error code if an error has occurred during the solving or inversion of the matrix.
getErrorCode() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Returns a string designation of the error code if an error has occurred during the solving or inversion of the matrix.
getErrorCode() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.Matrix
Returns a string designation of the error code if an error has occurred during the solving or inversion of the matrix.
getErrorCode() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Returns a string designation of the error code if an error has occurred during the solving or inversion of the matrix.
getMatrixSolution() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Returns the last of the previously found matrix solutions, X, to a matrix equation of form AX = B, as a Matrix.
getMatrixSolution() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Returns the last of the previously found matrix solutions, X, to a matrix equation of form AX = B, as a Matrix.
getMatrixSolution() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.Matrix
Returns the last of the previously found matrix solutions, X, to a matrix equation of form AX = B, as a Matrix.
getMatrixSolution() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Returns the last of the previously found matrix solutions, X, to a matrix equation of form AX = B, as a Matrix.
getNumberMatrixSolution() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Returns the last of the previously found matrix solutions, X, to a matrix equation of form AX = B, as a two-dimentional array of Number.
getNumberMatrixSolution() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Returns the last of the previously found matrix solutions, X, to a matrix equation of form AX = B, as a two-dimentional array of Number.
getNumberMatrixSolution() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.Matrix
Returns the last of the previously found matrix solutions, X, to a matrix equation of form AX = B, as a two-dimentional array of Number.
getNumberMatrixSolution() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Returns the last of the previously found matrix solutions, X, to a matrix equation of form AX = B, as a two-dimentional array of Number.
getPrecision() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Returns the value of precision used by this instance of BigDecimalMatrix.
getQuadrupleData() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Returns a two-dimentional array of Quadruple instances containing the values of the corresponding matrix elements, perhaps rounded.
getQuadrupleData() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Returns a two-dimentional array of Quadruple instances containing the values of the corresponding matrix elements, perhaps rounded.
getQuadrupleData() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.Matrix
Returns a two-dimentional array of Quadruple instances containing the values of the corresponding matrix elements, perhaps rounded.
getQuadrupleData() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Returns a two-dimentional array of Quadruple instances containing the values of the corresponding matrix elements, perhaps rounded.
getQuadrupleMatrixSolution() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Returns the last of the previously found matrix solutions, X, to a matrix equation of form AX = B, as a two-dimentional array of Quadruples.
getQuadrupleMatrixSolution() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Returns the last of the previously found matrix solutions, X, to a matrix equation of form AX = B, as a two-dimentional array of Quadruples.
getQuadrupleMatrixSolution() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.Matrix
Returns the last of the previously found matrix solutions, X, to a matrix equation of form AX = B, as a two-dimentional array of Quadruples.
getQuadrupleMatrixSolution() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Returns the last of the previously found matrix solutions, X, to a matrix equation of form AX = B, as a two-dimentional array of Quadruples.
getQuadrupleSolution() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Returns the last of the previously found vector solutions, x, to a system of linear equations of form Ax = b, as an array of Quadruples.
getQuadrupleSolution() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Returns the last of the previously found vector solutions, x, to a system of linear equations of form Ax = b, as an array of Quadruples.
getQuadrupleSolution() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.Matrix
Returns the last of the previously found vector solutions, x, to a system of linear equations of form Ax = b, as an array of Quadruples.
getQuadrupleSolution() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Returns the last of the previously found vector solutions, x, to a system of linear equations of form Ax = b, as an array of Quadruples.
getScaling() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Returns the value of an internal flag that defines whether row scaling will be applied while solving a system by this instance of Matrix.
getScaling() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Returns the value of an internal flag that defines whether row scaling will be applied while solving a system by this instance of Matrix.
getScaling() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.Matrix
Returns the value of an internal flag that defines whether row scaling will be applied while solving a system by this instance of Matrix.
getScaling() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Returns the value of an internal flag that defines whether row scaling will be applied while solving a system by this instance of Matrix.
getSize() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.Matrix
Returns the size of the matrix, m for a matrix m x m
getSolution() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Returns a copy of the last previously found vector solutions, x, to a system of linear equations of form Ax = b, as an array of Numbers.
getSolution() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Returns a copy of the last previously found vector solutions, x, to a system of linear equations of form Ax = b, as an array of Numbers.
getSolution() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.Matrix
Returns a copy of the last previously found vector solutions, x, to a system of linear equations of form Ax = b, as an array of Numbers.
getSolution() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Returns a copy of the last previously found vector solutions, x, to a system of linear equations of form Ax = b, as an array of Numbers.


hashCode() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Returns a hash code value for the Matrix.
hashCode() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Returns a hash code value for the Matrix.
hashCode() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.Matrix
Returns a hash code value for the Matrix.
hashCode() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Returns a hash code value for the Matrix.


inverse() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Creates and returns a new Matrix instance containing the inversion of this instance.
inverse() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Creates and returns a new Matrix instance containing the inversion of this instance.
inverse() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.Matrix
Creates and returns a new Matrix instance containing the inversion of this instance.
inverse() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Creates and returns a new Matrix instance containing the inversion of this instance.
inverseAccurately() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Creates and returns a new Matrix instance containing the inversion of this instance.
inverseAccurately() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Creates and returns a new Matrix instance containing the inversion of this instance.
inverseAccurately() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.Matrix
Creates and returns a new Matrix instance containing the inversion of this instance.
inverseAccurately() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Creates and returns a new Matrix instance containing the inversion of this instance.


Matrix - Class in com.mvohm.quadmatrix
A generic abstract class which defines the set of operations that all its subclasses must implement.
Instances of subclasses are capable of: solving systems of linear equations of the forms A * X = B and A * x = b, including versions with enhanced accuracy that use an iterative refinement of the solution (see Matrix.solve(Number[]), Matrix.solveAccurately(Number[]), Matrix.solve(Matrix) and alike); inversion (including a version with enhanced accuracy) and transposition of the matrix; multiplying this matrix by another matrix, by a vector, and by a scalar; addition and subtraction of a matrix; computation of the determinant.
multiply(double) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Multiplies this instance of Matrix by a scalar factor scalar passed in as a double parameter, and creates and returns a new matrix containing the product.
multiply(double) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Multiplies this instance of Matrix by a scalar factor scalar passed in as a double parameter, and creates and returns a new matrix containing the product.
multiply(double) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.Matrix
Multiplies this instance of Matrix by a scalar factor scalar passed in as a double parameter, and creates and returns a new matrix containing the product.
multiply(double) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Multiplies this instance of Matrix by a scalar factor scalar passed in as a double parameter, and creates and returns a new matrix containing the product.
multiply(double[]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Multiplies this instance of Matrix by a vector passed in as an array of doubles, and returns an array of Number values containing the product.
multiply(double[]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Multiplies this instance of Matrix by a vector passed in as an array of doubles, and returns an array of Number values containing the product.
multiply(double[]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.Matrix
Multiplies this instance of Matrix by a vector passed in as an array of doubles, and returns an array of Number values containing the product.
multiply(double[]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Multiplies this instance of Matrix by a vector passed in as an array of doubles, and returns an array of Number values containing the product.
multiply(double[][]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Multiplies this instance of Matrix by the factor passed in as a two-dimentional double array, and creates and returns a new matrix containing the product.
multiply(double[][]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Multiplies this instance of Matrix by the factor passed in as a two-dimentional double array, and creates and returns a new matrix containing the product.
multiply(double[][]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.Matrix
Multiplies this instance of Matrix by the factor passed in as a two-dimentional double array, and creates and returns a new matrix containing the product.
multiply(double[][]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Multiplies this instance of Matrix by the factor passed in as a two-dimentional double array, and creates and returns a new matrix containing the product.
multiply(Matrix) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Multiplies this instance of Matrix by the matrix passed in as the factor argument, creates and returns a new matrix containing the product.
multiply(Matrix) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Multiplies this instance of Matrix by the matrix passed in as the factor argument, creates and returns a new matrix containing the product.
multiply(Matrix) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.Matrix
Multiplies this instance of Matrix by the matrix passed in as the factor argument, creates and returns a new matrix containing the product.
multiply(Matrix) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Multiplies this instance of Matrix by the matrix passed in as the factor argument, creates and returns a new matrix containing the product.
multiply(Number) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Multiplies this instance of Matrix by a scalar factor scalar passed in as a Number parameter, and creates and returns a new matrix containing the product.
multiply(Number) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Multiplies this instance of Matrix by a scalar factor scalar passed in as a Number parameter, and creates and returns a new matrix containing the product.
multiply(Number) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.Matrix
Multiplies this instance of Matrix by a scalar factor scalar passed in as a Number parameter, and creates and returns a new matrix containing the product.
multiply(Number) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Multiplies this instance of Matrix by a scalar factor scalar passed in as a Number parameter, and creates and returns a new matrix containing the product.
multiply(Number[]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Multiplies this instance of Matrix by a vector passed in as an array of Number values and returns an array of Number values containing the product.
multiply(Number[]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Multiplies this instance of Matrix by a vector passed in as an array of Number values and returns an array of Number values containing the product.
multiply(Number[]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.Matrix
Multiplies this instance of Matrix by a vector passed in as an array of Number values and returns an array of Number values containing the product.
multiply(Number[]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Multiplies this instance of Matrix by a vector passed in as an array of Number values and returns an array of Number values containing the product.
multiply(Number[][]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Multiplies this instance of Matrix by the factor passed in as a two-dimentional array of Numbers, and creates and returns a new matrix containing the product.
multiply(Number[][]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Multiplies this instance of Matrix by the factor passed in as a two-dimentional array of Numbers, and creates and returns a new matrix containing the product.
multiply(Number[][]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.Matrix
Multiplies this instance of Matrix by the factor passed in as a two-dimentional array of Numbers, and creates and returns a new matrix containing the product.
multiply(Number[][]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Multiplies this instance of Matrix by the factor passed in as a two-dimentional array of Numbers, and creates and returns a new matrix containing the product.


norm() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Computes the row-based norm of the matrix, ║A, and returns its value as a Number value.
norm() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Computes the row-based norm of the matrix, ║A, and returns its value as a Number value.
norm() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.Matrix
Computes the row-based norm of the matrix, ║A, and returns its value as a Number value.
norm() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Computes the row-based norm of the matrix, ║A, and returns its value as a Number value.
normAsBigDecimal() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Computes the row-based norm of the matrix, ║A, and returns its value as a BigDecimal value.
normAsBigDecimal() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Computes the row-based norm of the matrix, ║A, and returns its value as a BigDecimal value.
normAsBigDecimal() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.Matrix
Computes the row-based norm of the matrix, ║A, and returns its value as a BigDecimal value.
normAsBigDecimal() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Computes the row-based norm of the matrix, ║A, and returns its value as a BigDecimal value.
normAsDouble() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Computes the row-based norm of the matrix, ║A, and returns its value as a double value.
normAsDouble() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Computes the row-based norm of the matrix, ║A, and returns its value as a double value.
normAsDouble() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.Matrix
Computes the row-based norm of the matrix, ║A, and returns its value as a double value.
normAsDouble() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Computes the row-based norm of the matrix, ║A, and returns its value as a double value.
normAsQuadruple() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Computes the row-based norm of the matrix, ║A, and returns its value as a Quadruple value.
normAsQuadruple() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Computes the row-based norm of the matrix, ║A, and returns its value as a Quadruple value.
normAsQuadruple() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.Matrix
Computes the row-based norm of the matrix, ║A, and returns its value as a Quadruple value.
normAsQuadruple() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Computes the row-based norm of the matrix, ║A, and returns its value as a Quadruple value.


QuadrupleMatrix - Class in com.mvohm.quadmatrix
An implementation of the abstract class Matrix that uses an array of Quadruple values to store the internal data and arithmetic provided by Quadruple to perform calculations.
QuadrupleMatrix(double[][]) - Constructor for class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Creates a new QuadrupleMatrix whose inner data are obtained by converting the values of the given source array into corresponding Quadruple values without precision loss, and the default value of the needToScale flag.
QuadrupleMatrix(double[][], boolean) - Constructor for class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Creates a new QuadrupleMatrix whose inner data are obtained by converting the values of the given source array into corresponding Quadruple values without precision loss, and the specified value of the needToScale flag that is passed in as the needToScale argument.
QuadrupleMatrix(Matrix) - Constructor for class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Creates a new QuadrupleMatrix with a copy of the data of the given source matrix and the default value of the needToScale flag.
QuadrupleMatrix(Matrix, boolean) - Constructor for class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Creates a new QuadrupleMatrix with a copy of the data of the given source matrix and the value of the needToScale flag that is passed in as the needToScale argument.
QuadrupleMatrix(Number[][]) - Constructor for class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Creates a new QuadrupleMatrix with a copy of the data of the given source array and the default value of the needToScale flag.
QuadrupleMatrix(Number[][], boolean) - Constructor for class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Creates a new QuadrupleMatrix with a copy of the data of the given source array and the specified value of the needToScale flag.


setDefaultPrecision(int) - Static method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Sets the value of the static BigDecimalMatrix.defaultPrecision variable that is used to set corresponding instance fields when creating a new instances by constructors without precision parameter.
setDefaultScaling(boolean) - Static method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Sets the value of the static BigDecimalMatrix.scaleByDefault flag that is used to set corresponding instance flags when creating a new instances by constructors without needToScale parameter.
setDefaultScaling(boolean) - Static method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Sets the value of the static DoubleMatrix.scaleByDefault flag that is used to set corresponding instance flags when creating a new instances by constructors without needToScale parameter.
setDefaultScaling(boolean) - Static method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Sets the value of the static scaleByDefault flag that is used to set corresponding instance flags when creating a new instances by constructors without needToScale parameter.
solve(double[]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Solves a system of linear equations of form Ax = b and returns the found solution.
solve(double[]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Solves a system of linear equations of form Ax = b and returns the found solution.
solve(double[]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.Matrix
Solves a system of linear equations of form Ax = b and returns the found solution.
solve(double[]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Solves a system of linear equations of form Ax = b and returns the found solution.
solve(double[][]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Solves a matrix equation of form AX = B and returns the found solution.
solve(double[][]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Solves a matrix equation of form AX = B and returns the found solution.
solve(double[][]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.Matrix
Solves a matrix equation of form AX = B and returns the found solution.
solve(double[][]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Solves a matrix equation of form AX = B and returns the found solution.
solve(Matrix) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Solves a matrix equation of form AX = B and returns the found solution.
solve(Matrix) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Solves a matrix equation of form AX = B and returns the found solution.
solve(Matrix) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.Matrix
Solves a matrix equation of form AX = B and returns the found solution.
solve(Matrix) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Solves a matrix equation of form AX = B and returns the found solution.
solve(Number[]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Solves a system of linear equations of form Ax = b and returns the found solution.
solve(Number[]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Solves a system of linear equations of form Ax = b and returns the found solution.
solve(Number[]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.Matrix
Solves a system of linear equations of form Ax = b and returns the found solution.
solve(Number[]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Solves a system of linear equations of form Ax = b and returns the found solution.
solve(Number[][]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Solves a matrix equation of form AX = B and returns the found solution.
solve(Number[][]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Solves a matrix equation of form AX = B and returns the found solution.
solve(Number[][]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.Matrix
Solves a matrix equation of form AX = B and returns the found solution.
solve(Number[][]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Solves a matrix equation of form AX = B and returns the found solution.
solveAccurately(double[]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Solves a system of linear equations of form Ax = b with increased accuracy and returns the found solution.
solveAccurately(double[]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Solves a system of linear equations of form Ax = b with increased accuracy and returns the found solution.
solveAccurately(double[]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.Matrix
Solves a system of linear equations of form Ax = b with increased accuracy and returns the found solution.
solveAccurately(double[]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Solves a system of linear equations of form Ax = b with increased accuracy and returns the found solution.
solveAccurately(double[][]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Solves a matrix equation of form AX = B and returns the found solution.
solveAccurately(double[][]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Solves a matrix equation of form AX = B and returns the found solution.
solveAccurately(double[][]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.Matrix
Solves a matrix equation of form AX = B and returns the found solution.
solveAccurately(double[][]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Solves a matrix equation of form AX = B and returns the found solution.
solveAccurately(Matrix) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Solves a matrix equation of form AX = B and returns the found solution.
solveAccurately(Matrix) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Solves a matrix equation of form AX = B and returns the found solution.
solveAccurately(Matrix) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.Matrix
Solves a matrix equation of form AX = B and returns the found solution.
solveAccurately(Matrix) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Solves a matrix equation of form AX = B and returns the found solution.
solveAccurately(Number[]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Solves a system of linear equations of form Ax = b with increased accuracy and returns the found solution.
solveAccurately(Number[]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Solves a system of linear equations of form Ax = b with increased accuracy and returns the found solution.
solveAccurately(Number[]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.Matrix
Solves a system of linear equations of form Ax = b with increased accuracy and returns the found solution.
solveAccurately(Number[]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Solves a system of linear equations of form Ax = b with increased accuracy and returns the found solution.
solveAccurately(Number[][]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Solves a matrix equation of form AX = B and returns the found solution.
solveAccurately(Number[][]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Solves a matrix equation of form AX = B and returns the found solution.
solveAccurately(Number[][]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.Matrix
Solves a matrix equation of form AX = B and returns the found solution.
solveAccurately(Number[][]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Solves a matrix equation of form AX = B and returns the found solution.
solveSPD(double[]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Solves a system of linear equations of form Ax = b for a symmetric positively-defined matrix of coefficients and returns the found solution.
solveSPD(double[]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Solves a system of linear equations of form Ax = b for a symmetric positively-defined matrix of coefficients and returns the found solution.
solveSPD(double[]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.Matrix
Solves a system of linear equations of form Ax = b for a symmetric positively-defined matrix of coefficients and returns the found solution.
solveSPD(double[]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Solves a system of linear equations of form Ax = b for a symmetric positively-defined matrix of coefficients and returns the found solution.
solveSPD(Number[]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Solves a system of linear equations of form Ax = b for a symmetric positively-defined matrix of coefficients and returns the found solution.
solveSPD(Number[]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Solves a system of linear equations of form Ax = b for a symmetric positively-defined matrix of coefficients and returns the found solution.
solveSPD(Number[]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.Matrix
Solves a system of linear equations of form Ax = b for a symmetric positively-defined matrix of coefficients and returns the found solution.
solveSPD(Number[]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Solves a system of linear equations of form Ax = b for a symmetric positively-defined matrix of coefficients and returns the found solution.
solveSPDAccurately(double[]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Solves a system of linear equations of form Ax = b for a symmetric positively-defined matrix of coefficients, using an iterative refinement algorithm to achieve higher solution accuracy, and returns the found solution.
solveSPDAccurately(double[]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Solves a system of linear equations of form Ax = b for a symmetric positively-defined matrix of coefficients, using an iterative refinement algorithm to achieve higher solution accuracy, and returns the found solution.
solveSPDAccurately(double[]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.Matrix
Solves a system of linear equations of form Ax = b for a symmetric positively-defined matrix of coefficients, using an iterative refinement algorithm to achieve higher solution accuracy, and returns the found solution.
solveSPDAccurately(double[]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Solves a system of linear equations of form Ax = b for a symmetric positively-defined matrix of coefficients, using an iterative refinement algorithm to achieve higher solution accuracy, and returns the found solution.
solveSPDAccurately(Number[]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Solves a system of linear equations of form Ax = b for a symmetric positively-defined matrix of coefficients, using an iterative refinement algorithm to achieve higher solution accuracy, and returns the found solution.
solveSPDAccurately(Number[]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Solves a system of linear equations of form Ax = b for a symmetric positively-defined matrix of coefficients, using an iterative refinement algorithm to achieve higher solution accuracy, and returns the found solution.
solveSPDAccurately(Number[]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.Matrix
Solves a system of linear equations of form Ax = b for a symmetric positively-defined matrix of coefficients, using an iterative refinement algorithm to achieve higher solution accuracy, and returns the found solution.
solveSPDAccurately(Number[]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Solves a system of linear equations of form Ax = b for a symmetric positively-defined matrix of coefficients, using an iterative refinement algorithm to achieve higher solution accuracy, and returns the found solution.
subtract(double[][]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Subtracts the given matrixB passed in as a two-dimentional array of doubles from this matrix and returns the difference.
subtract(double[][]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Subtracts the given matrixB passed in as a two-dimentional array of doubles from this matrix and returns the difference.
subtract(double[][]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.Matrix
Subtracts the given matrixB passed in as a two-dimentional array of doubles from this matrix and returns the difference.
subtract(double[][]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Subtracts the given matrixB passed in as a two-dimentional array of doubles from this matrix and returns the difference.
subtract(Matrix) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Subtracts the given matrixB from this matrix and returns the difference.
subtract(Matrix) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Subtracts the given matrixB from this matrix and returns the difference.
subtract(Matrix) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.Matrix
Subtracts the given matrixB from this matrix and returns the difference.
subtract(Matrix) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Subtracts the given matrixB from this matrix and returns the difference.
subtract(Number[][]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Subtracts the given matrixB passed in as a two-dimentional array of Number from this matrix and returns the difference.
subtract(Number[][]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Subtracts the given matrixB passed in as a two-dimentional array of Number from this matrix and returns the difference.
subtract(Number[][]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.Matrix
Subtracts the given matrixB passed in as a two-dimentional array of Number from this matrix and returns the difference.
subtract(Number[][]) - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Subtracts the given matrixB passed in as a two-dimentional array of Number from this matrix and returns the difference.


transpose() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Creates and returns a new Matrix instance containing the transposition of this instance.
transpose() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Creates and returns a new Matrix instance containing the transposition of this instance.
transpose() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.Matrix
Creates and returns a new Matrix instance containing the transposition of this instance.
transpose() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Creates and returns a new Matrix instance containing the transposition of this instance.


unity() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.BigDecimalMatrix
Creates and returns a new Matrix instance containing a unity matrix of the same size as the source matrix.
unity() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.DoubleMatrix
Creates and returns a new Matrix instance containing a unity matrix of the same size as the source matrix.
unity() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.Matrix
Creates and returns a new Matrix instance containing a unity matrix of the same size as the source matrix.
unity() - Method in class com.mvohm.quadmatrix.QuadrupleMatrix
Creates and returns a new Matrix instance containing a unity matrix of the same size as the source matrix.
A B C D E G H I M N Q S T U 
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